
121 Ways to De-Stress

In today’s life, there are many situations or days where we want to take a step back and rest. It doesn’t mean we don’t want to do a particular task or work. No, what we need at that specific moment is some time to ourselves to relax and well… de-stress.

There are many reasons for going through stress, including a difficult day at work or college, thinking about a particular personal issue, or anything else. 

Let’s get to our list of 121 ways to de-stress without delay!

Remember that these ways to de-stress below are just some helpful tips. If you suffer from any medical, physical, or mental condition, please get in touch with a professional for help and receive proper treatment.

Here are the Top 121 Ways to De-Stress:

For a more easy guide, we have divided the ways into sections: Popular ways, underrated ways, de-stress at work, and activities: activities for individuals and activities for a group to decompress together.

Popular Ways to De-Stress Include:

1. Stretching

Stretching is one of the easiest ways to de-stress as it allows time for your body and mind to be free. It makes you concentrate on yourself in between tasks. We can use this natural destresser before exercise, but you can work on this technique while working, want to take a break, or want to get off the couch! 

2. Breathing, the natural destresser technique 

We can follow many breathing techniques anytime, anywhere, when we feel too pumped up. Whether at work, at home, on an occasion, or any other place when we feel like we need to take a second to ourselves and concentrate, we can follow a breathing exercise.

Some popular and most effective breathing exercises among the best natural destressors are box breathing, pursed lip breathing, alternative between nostrils, and more. Some popular counting breathing exercises and de-stress techniques include the 4-4-4, 5-5-5, and 4-7-8 breathing exercises. 

3. Walking

We can walk whenever we want to de-stress ourselves. Through this fit way of de-stressing, we can enjoy the beauty outside, whether it is a lively park or bazaar environment. 

4. Exercising

Exercise is one of those de-stressing techniques that are good for your mental relaxation and have physical benefits. It doesn’t matter whether you do it for an hour or even a 20-minute small workout; the main point is to de-stress yourself when you feel frustrated.

5. Yoga

It is different from exercises as it focuses more on flexibility. Yoga is the way to go if you are not a fan of exercise but want to do something regularly to stay fit. 

6. Message

Getting massages is one of the best natural de-stressors. Aromatherapy is very common to maintain a serine and sound environment, which makes it a relaxing way to de-stress. If you want a faster way to de-stress, you can do a hand massage yourself in between tasks. 

7. Journal

Diary writing or journal writing is not only for kids; even adults do it to express their feelings. During journalling, people write what’s in their hearts, and nobody judges them in these pages. So, doing this when you are stressed is a great way to take your feelings out and relieve some stress.

8. Writing a letter

Write anything about your feelings in a letter to avoid having a journal or diary. Take a pen and paper and address the letter to whomever you think about. Or even to your future yourself!

9. Pamper yourself 

Why not go out and spend a day at a salon or spa? With so many beauty range choices, you can even have a spa day at home where you use organic masks, cleansers, detoxifying face washes, and so much more to have a fresh feel! 

So go out for any wellness treatment outside by yourself or your gals, or be in your home with them if that’s more comfortable. Whatever you find is the best way to de-stress yourself.

10. Meditate

There are so many podcasts and meditation apps out there now. It’s easy to pick someone from the ones most resonating with us. In their soothing voices, different people guide us through ways or techniques we can use in real time.

11. Take a relaxing bath

Light off some candles, get a hot bath, relax with your favorite drinks and face masks, and be peaceful! Calm yourself with natural oils, body wash, and other wellness oils. These will help you feel refreshed and cool.

12. Share your feelings

Make an effort to let your feelings out with your close ones. It will help you not let your emotions get all bundled up inside.

13. Sleep

Try to complete the REM cycle every day. By getting a proper 7-8 hour sleep every night, we care for our body. Not getting adequate sleep is one of the most common factors for stress today. With a sound slumber, you’d be able to de-stress yourself naturally.

14. Read positive affirmations

There are a lot of positive affirmations out there in the form of wallpapers, posters, etc. They are also available on a lot of social media sites. Downloading them can make you feel powerful and support you when you think you are not having your day.

15. Clean areas of the house

We certainly have an area in our houses that needs to be organized. If you are feeling stressed, this is the best time to declutter that area as it will engage you in another task that will take your mind off your thoughts.

16. Try to surround yourself with positive people

If you get any negative vibes or want to be free, surround yourself with the people you feel most cherished with. They would help you get back to your natural self and provide solutions to conquer this stress.

17. Stay close to your pets

If you have any pets, you are at an advantage as it’s shown to help relieve our stress hormones. Scientifically speaking, according to studies, pets help decrease Cortisol in our body! So, our pets are among the top natural destressors who can help us cope! 

18. Gardening 

As a plant or garden owner, you can tend to your green plants when you are feeling stressed. These plants are good for our planet, but caring for them can be a soothing process and a way to de-stress.

19. Calm Coloring

This could have been included in the activities section of our 121 ways to de-stress list, but calm coloring is a very popular way that has thousands of books, ebooks, and apps dedicated to it.

Underrated Ways to De-Stress

20. A simple note of gratefulness 

Make a small note if you want to avoid having a diary or even write a letter. Just take that note and point out the three things you are very grateful for. It will help you to refocus and cherish the things that you have.

21. Get your phone into the airplane mode

Most of us cannot switch off our phones for days. They are a necessity for personal and work emergencies. So, why not use your phone’s airplane mode to take a detox day instead? This will limit the features on your electronic devices and help you spend some time on other things!

22. Get foods that help in de-stressing

There are a lot of foods that can help in de-stressing, including a lot of various fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients. Some considered natural destressors are avocados, oranges, yogurt, and more!

23. Get candles of your favorite fragrance 

If you do not want to get into the whole aroma therapy activity with all the stuff like scent diffusers, fragrance packets, etc., you can get a candle of your favorite scent! This can help you to de-stress yourself as it is one of the most popular natural destressors.

24. Organize your digital files and folders

To make your work easy, you can reorganize your digital files and folders on your work desktop or any other electronic device when you feel this stress. It will also take your mind off the thing, and you’ll appreciate it when you find your work easier in the future, too!

25. Do bonsai cutting

Small or micro bonsai cutting is one of the most relaxing activities because it allows you to become composed while wearing magnifying glasses to cut the tree beautifully in different patterns.

26. Bury a timepack

You can make yourself a treasure box by yourself or with your group. Collect the things that mean something to you now to bury somewhere where you can find them in the next 10 years or so to see what was important to you at that time.

27. Watch something totally out of your preferred genre

Many de-stressing lists will tell you to take time off your phone and electronic devices. And yes, I agree with them, but sometimes you need to be in the comfort of your couch.

 Watching something new is worth it if you find something out of your preferred genre and learn something new about yourself.

28. Contact your long-distance friends 

As we grow up, we lose some touch with our friends as we travel or are busy at work. We have other people besides our friends, coworkers, or neighbors that we do not get to meet for different reasons.

So try to contact them through texts, video calls, or simply a phone call with the people you have lost touch with.

29. Create a vision board

You can either create a vision board on your electronic device or mix up the things that you like or want in your future. It will help you de-stress and think about positive things!

Activities to De-Stress:

30. Reading

Start a book in your preferred format. You can read any genre you like. I strongly recommend reading fiction if you want to feel outside of this world because it is in the place of imaginary sets and situations.

31. Dancing

Getting up your favorite dance playlist or a selection of songs that makes you go round and round for a few minutes is a fast way to relax and unwind. Dance to your favorite beats; it can help you relax and not think about something you were stressing about before!

32. Singing 

You do not need to be a professional singer or have a good voice for this! You can be a bathroom singer and murmur the song or rhymes that suit you, as it can help you come down and de-stress.

33. Listening to music

It is one of the most common ways of de-stress, and there is a reason for it. When we listen to music, we relax and unwind. Also, you may discover a new band, singer, or playlist if you look out of your usual music genre!

34. Listening to a podcast

Podcasts are so in right now. You can find them on many radio stations, video sites, and apps. Listening to a hilarious tale or some of your favorite TV stars spilling their behind-the-scenes secrets, a motivational one, there are so many podcasts now to choose from!

35. Listening to an audiobook

Audiobooks are a great way to go into an imaginative place. Just by listening to them, we transfer to another place—no need to have light for them. If you want to get into a story, plug in your headphones and dive straight into the story!

36. Painting

Whether painting, drawing, or just doodling on a smooth paper or tablet, draw whatever suits you. You can draw whatever comes to mind in freestyle and keep your mind clear.

37. Playing an instrument of your choice

Like other activities on this site, it doesn’t matter whether you are good at an instrument. It can be a drum or even a flute. Just lose yourself In the rhythm of the instrument.

38. Have a spa day

It doesn’t matter if it’s outside the house or not. You can go outside for a proper spark treatment or try something yourself with your friends, like a new DIY facemask, pack, etc.

39. Cooking a new meal

Whether for yourself only, your group of loved ones, or a special day or occasion, you can try to whip out a new and innovative meal, taking inspiration from millions of resources like videos, books, blogs, etc.

40. Baking

Yes, it can be included in cooking, but baking is a different way of making food. Many people find it more comforting, requiring a technical view to cook. Even a small amount of anything, more or less, can make a difference in the baked goods!  

41. Poetry

Why not try to express your thoughts in the form of poetry? There are so many forms of poetry, and not all poetry pieces have to rhyme or follow a certain pattern, especially if you are writing as a way to de-stress. This can act as a creative outlet for you.

42. Knitting or Crocheting

No need to feel that these activities are only for nerds! It’s a common misconception. Don’t we all appreciate a handmade scarf or gloves in the winter? So, if you are feeling stressed, take these activities to decompress! 

43. Walking

Traditionally, people recommended walking in a park. But if you are not outside, you can even walk around your house from one place to another to keep your mind cool and distressed. 

44. Rewatch your favorite movies

We all have a comfort movie that we all like to watch with a favorite snack and a blanket that provides us comfort. So whether your favorite movie is a popular series of dragons or an underrated independent one, you should play them on your electrical devices for a rewatch! Get your couch ready to settle with your favorite movie!

45. Try a fun party trick to learn 

Everyone has a party trick that they wow their guests with. If you don’t, this is the perfect time to learn one! You can try to learn something like juggling, Rubik’s Cube, and other cool tricks at the time of feeling distressed. 

They are fun as well, as you learn something new! Even if it’s not professionally used, it will make a fun pass time once you have another party. 

46. Experiment with new cocktails and mocktail recipes

We all appreciate a good drink; thus, trying to make and whip something original, like a mocktail or cocktail recipe, will require you to think creatively and act as a way to de-stress. 

47. Photography

Photography is excellent, and we all have loads of them backed up on our devices. Even if you don’t like them, you must have at least one or two. So, why not try something more than taking selfies? 

For example, nature photography, people photography, etc., just with your phone (If you don’t own a camera) because the technology is so high now, we don’t all need an expensive camera! So go outside and take more than a selfie.

48. Swimming 

Swimming is an amazing way to relax our muscles and the mind. When we are in the waves of water, we feel outside our problems and thoughts. That’s great for a time when you want to de-stress.

49. Visit an animal rights center 

If you don’t have a pet, you can visit the closest animal center to your home or workplace, which will help you relax. Looking at those animals, especially if you are a pet lover, will help in de-stressing.

How do you De-Stress at Work?

50. Use a de-stress toy

Many stress-relaxing toys, like stress balls, fidget spinners, etc., are popular for de-stress at work. They only take up a little space. You can hand it in your bag or keep it on your work desk. Play with them whenever you feel stressed about a job task or situation.

51. Practice random acts of kindness

Why not go around and do something nice for the people around your office? If an intern is new in the office, guide them or take one step further in your project if you think it’s right.

52. Do a crossword or Sudoku puzzle

Every newspaper generally has a crossword or other games on one of the last pages, and you can do them around the office if you need a small break from work or need to de-stress. It will help your mind still work while being on a break.

53. Engage with new people

Why not communicate with people you have not met or talked with before? You may find them interesting and a common ground to talk about. Just be careful not to intrude and find a time when they are free. 

54. Look out for a new DIY project

So many projects are posted on the internet every month. Many people on YouTube, Pinterest, and other popular websites upload new DIYs. The time on the project depends upon its construction, size, and material.

You can take on a big project like making a birdhouse or even a small project like a paper clip decoration to de-stress your mind!

55. Get a small plant for your desk

Succulents are popular items to keep on your work tables aside from the photos of family members or friends on our tables. Plus, they are good for the environment. Once you get a small plant, it will keep you engaged.

56. Organize your desk with essentials

Just like home, our office desks should be organized as well. If you are distressed, this is the perfect time to arrange or update your office belongings. So, whether it is a table, desk, chair, or drawer, now is the best time to revise them with the most essential items so that you can work in the cleanest place.

57. Try to come up with new creative ideas for a project

This means taking a step forward and thinking of something more than the work assigned. It’ll provide you with a creative outlet. And you mean impress yourself and your bosses with your fresh ideas. Just be careful not to disrupt the current project, though.

58. Get a quick snack

Go for a quick snack if you are a little hungry, unable to concentrate, and even a little distressed. A healthy munchie, like a simple tea, nut, and fruit you can eat while working, is a healthy way to eat something between meals. 

59. Have herbal tea

Take caffeine-free tea with an organic cookie or something else. It will help you concentrate if you cannot think and want to eat anything before lunch. Coffee is not that highly recommended since its increase can result in anxiety.

60. Update your electronic devices with new features 

Most of us do not update our electronic devices with the latest features and system software when notified. If you feel stressed about any work-related problem, take a few minutes to update right now.

It will give you some time to relax and act as a way to relieve stress. Use this time to visualize.

61. Get new covers for your phone, laptop, etc.

Why not order new accessories online for your work electronic devices, like a brand new laptop cover, keyboard, etc.? This way, your objects will be personalized to you! Just remember to follow this tip if you have the authority.

62. Plan your food for the rest of the day.

You’ll not see this tip on de-stress, but this works! Picture your food items or diet and even plan a dinner to eat after going from work. It’ll make you plan and get recommendations from your coworkers if you cannot find something interesting to eat right now.

63. Break your work into smaller steps

Why not try to break your work into different small segments and have a checklist? When you complete some tasks, you can mark them on your checklist and even reward yourself with a personalized system as preferable to you! Even a small victory means a lot!

It’ll make your work easier later and help you with one task at a time. It provides you with fewer chances of making any errors.

64. Try a guided meditation app

In your headphones, you can listen to a meditation app according to your needs that suits you the most. Choose from the narrator you prefer while working on the assigned task(s). It will not slow your work but rather motivate you throughout.

65. Get noise-canceling headphones if you are being disturbed 

When you are in the middle of an important part of a decision, the. You don’t need to be disturbed. This results in stress. Headphones are not only used for listening to music but can also act as a tool to cancel outside voices from the hustle and bustle of the work environment.

66. Try to have your lunch outside the office

It would help if you took your lunch outside your desk. As sitting in one place can bore you. Why not go with your colleague outside for a healthy lunch? Or try a new neighboring place like a restaurant or food truck. It gives you a break from the office environment to decompress.

67. Remember to take breaks between work 

Sitting in the same place for two or three hours can cause boredom. For a breather, stretch your legs and walk for a few minutes. It doesn’t need to be a long walk to a park or some; you can go to a window or balcony for a small break.

68. Stretch around the office

Just reach around your hands and your legs if you are stuck using your electronic devices. You can also do some eye exercises and get off your glasses (if you have them) to get a breather.

69. Remember to keep drinking water 

As we all know, water is our humans’ livelihood, so you should keep drinking it. Professionals recommend at least eight glasses of water. So try to drink it every hour or two, or take a few sips now and then. This acts like a natural destresser and detoxes the whole body from mind to toe.

Group Activities to De-Stress

70. Attend a club

Nowadays, There is a wealth of clubs like painting, art, theater, etc. You can be part of something with an end goal, and it will divide your focus from what you are stressed about and work on something positive in the club activity!

71. Volunteer somewhere

It can be any organization or cause you want to support. For example, if you want to volunteer at a neighboring shelter, an NGO, etc. If you want to stay out, there are many possibilities from remote locations too!

As a remote volunteer, you can do different tasks just from the comfort of your couch! For example, calling other volunteers, making brochures, creating Excel sheets of activities, and so much more!

72. Watch a series to discuss

You may not find this on other de-stressing dates, but I recommend watching the season, a series you have never watched before, to take your mind off the things that provide you with stress. This will help you to go into another world and take some time off from your real world.

73. Go to a beach

Going to a beach is a great and calming activity. You can go with your group pets or alone if you don’t want any company. Remember to prepare and take towels, sunscreen, snacks, etc., if you are going for a relaxing day out.

74. Have a picnic

If you are not a water person, you would rather go to a park for a sunny and bright day picnic. Take a day off to plan a picnic with your favorite people in your world! 

Talking and socializing with them will help as a natural destresser. So, plan to visit your regular or even a new park you haven’t visited before to enjoy a sunny day!

75. Attend a book club

If you have finished a book, you can attend a book club to discuss your thoughts with other community members. While going outside, you will have a productive activity to compete with your community to help you de-stress.

76. Fundraising 

Aside from physically helping out in organizations and charities, you can host a fundraising event with the other community members. Now, it will give you something important to focus on, and in the end, the result will also be very positive!

77. Take a bike ride with your buddies

Sure, taking a leisure walk yourself is great, but you can talk your feelings out with a companion by your side. Riding bicycles is great for the environment and gives your feelings a way to go out.

78. Play sports if you have a big group of people 

Playing a game of cricket, badminton, or any other sport of your liking with your group of loved ones will not only pass the time but also help you keep at the same.

79. Play ball or catch if you have only one or two close friends.

If you do not have a large group of people to play team sports, you can try playing a board game. If you want to go outside, you can play a game of Patch Crispy or Ball Extra.

80. Visit a carnival or amusement park

Amusement parks are a great way to feel like you are a child and are out in the world with the greatest possibilities. If you visit an amusement park that is fun and worth your time, you have so many options, like riding new rides, playing games, eating carnival, or park food.

81. Go to independent sellers in your area

Instead of shopping online, browsing, and ordering like we usually do. We can go to any of our neighboring independent sellers. They can be the producers of either fashion, food, art, or anything else.

82. Reread your favorites

Just like we want to rewatch our favorite movies and TV series repeatedly, we can always read the books we liked as a kid as a way to de-stress and revisit our childhood!

83. Movie Marathon

Why not go for a double feature of films you like or complete a series of childhood favorites you enjoyed as a kid or teen? It will take you back to your memory and bring you the happiness you felt in the past.

84. Visit a trendy place to see the hype

Why not go to a restaurant or a food place where a new establishment is trending? This way, you can try what’s behind the hype if it’s good. You will find a new place to get food!

85. Plan a camping trip

This way to de-stress may require some work, but it will be all worth it when you are on a camping trip or retreat with your friends! 

86. Have a sleepover

No, sleepovers are not only for kids. We all need a day to talk our way through with our close ones. A sleepover with all your fun activities or just a night on the couch is a way to get all your feelings out in the open and feel calm afterward.

87. Go karaoke 

In karaoke, whether you are a good singer or a bad one doesn’t matter. Its motive is to have fun, and that’s one of the popular ways to de-stress! The activity of singing your favorite songs with the background tune in your voice the loudest is so cheerful that you are bound to enjoy it!

88. Try the trendiest recipes with your pals

There are always some trends in the cooking world, and you can try to make some if you are stressed. Try to experiment with the recipes as well so that they suit your and your friend’s preferences. You may end up making something new and creative yourself that is good and original!

De-Stress Activities for an Individual

89. Puzzle making 

This can be an activity for a group as well as an individual. But we have included this in our activities to de-stress for an individual as many people like the serenity to work and concentrate on completing a puzzle alone.

90. Spend time in a quiet place.

Everybody has a place where they feel most peaceful. But don’t worry, if you haven’t found a place you feel the most natural at, try to go to a place you feel has your happiest memories.

This will bring peace and help you refocus. It reminds you that this time may be difficult and stressful, but there are also some great things in the world.

91. Scrapbooking 

Scrapbooking is different from making a visual board on a phone or sheet as it requires you to use different types of photos, papers, tapes, etc., and it is more of a traditional way, as we did in childhood. It may sound childish, but it is a good natural destresser.

92. Complete Brain teasers

Short brain teasers in any form, whether “spot the difference,” completing trivia, or anything else, are a great way to spend a few minutes. 

93. Listen to calming sounds

Some natural songs, like nature sounds or white noise, act as natural de-stressors as they provide us with warmth. They soothe us from the inside, and we feel relaxed.

94. Take a power nap

A power nap is a great way to re-energize. It will help you to refocus and wake up with a fresh mind to go back to the work you were doing before. It can last from 15 minutes to an hour. Take it when you need to refresh—a natural destresser through and through.

95. Try to learn a new language 

Now, you can learn a new language from any remote location. No need to go to physical centers now if you do not have the time, energy, or money. Many apps and videos will help you learn a new language.

96. Organize your closet

Why not pick the clothes you don’t want to know and donate to charity? We can always make use of the space. If we spend time cleaning areas and doing this de-stressing activity afterward, we’ll have an organized closet with more space.  

97. Read a graphic novel or comic

Only some people love to read, so you can go for graphic novels or different comics/ comic strips. They can be read faster and help you refresh and feel light.

98. Write a short story or poem

Why not try to express your thoughts in the form of creative writing? This differs from journal writing; you can even try to rhyme to make it more fun!

99. Make an offline/online course

Aside from learning a new language, you can get a certified course by enrolling at an online website! It can be anything simple or a new subject you are interested in!

100. Sell Your unwanted items

You can give away a lot of objects on eBay and other similar websites online. This activity of taking pictures, adding descriptions, etc., will be a way to de-stress and take your mind off things.

101. Try to start or update a collection

There are a lot of collections that people collect right from their childhood, like stamps, coins, figurines, etc. Why not start your collection or update if you already have one? This activity might even someday be very profitable!

102. Recycle paper for a handmade project 

Paper and newspapers are always a creative way to recycle at home. This can be a big project like making paper frames or baskets that go on for days. Or you can do a 5-minute DIY to decompress like a zine or paper ring!

103. Visit a museum, planetarium or a trip to classic monument

People shouldn’t consider these places boring. They are both interesting and informational! Especially when you want to get into a new subject rather than thinking about your stress!

Most of us went to our city’s historical monuments as children at school. Now that we have grown, visiting or revisiting will be a nice way to detour. We’ll get information to appreciate history as well!

104. A boat ride 

Why not take a boat or ferry ride, even if you are traveling or just sailing? The sea provides a tranquility that helps us take our mind off things. Many people listen to the calming sounds of the sea and ocean at night. Getting to go on a real boat will be even better to experience!

105. Plan for the holidays in advance 

You can plan and organize for upcoming holidays, like making a list of objects, taking an inventory, etc. Aside from providing a cheerful and joyous feeling, It will also save you time in the future!

106. Take a quiz

Before, people used to take quizzes from many books and magazines. But now, we have loads of interesting online quiz websites like Buzzfeed, where we can take thousands of quizzes for a carefree time!

107. Practice Calligraphy/ Hand lettering 

This activity of writing in beautiful writing requires precision. Creatively drawing letters and alphabets is a great way to interpret your feelings. Draw them in the mood you are in. This activity will be a new, creative one to add to our daily lives!

108. Watch a new movie / TV series in a new language 

Even if you are uncomfortable in a secondary language, you can watch a new series with subtitles of your preferred genre and discover new fandom!

109. Have a garage sale

Organizing a garage sale is a great way to eliminate all items and make some money while communicating with your society! It’ll take some time to gather the objects you want to be cleaned up, but the day will be fun and productive once set up!

110. Do Laundry

Doing laundry is considered a way to de-stress and provides mental relaxation. The activity of washing, drying, etc. It is a step-by-step process that people find quite relaxing. It is even proven in many journals now.

111. Flower arrangement

Make a flower arrangement from the ones you find most beautiful and calming! Bring home fresh flowers from the farmer’s market if you still need them from your home garden. Many flowers and plants help us as natural de-stressors. 

112. Take a long drive

This is a very common way for us today as most people drive from and to their work. Both a short and long drive can calm us. If you are uncomfortable in a car, you can also take out your cycle or any other transport. 

113. Try origami

Origami is a popular technique to fold paper creatively to make different shapes and creative projects. It’s an activity that people follow for fun and even releases stress.

114. Read news and current affairs 

Picking a newspaper or reading news in bits on your phone will make you aware of the things happening worldwide. Want to take your mind off things right now? This is one of the best ways to think about other news!

115. Delete unused apps from your electronic devices

As a living space needs cleaning, we can also look for electronic devices. Want some minutes to refresh? This is the perfect time to declutter your phone, laptop, iPad, or any other device to make them more efficient! 

116. Watch /Act in a play.

We can mainly find local theaters around us in the neighborhood. You can either attend an impromptu play watch or volunteer as an audience member. You can work as an actor or crew if you are uncomfortable playing a part on the front stage.

117. Play offline games on the phone

Regularly, you won’t see this tip in the de-stress list. But I believe playing offline games like Snake or Dinosaur Jump Can help you de-stress in just a few minutes. These games only require some of your attention and time and can be done between work, studying, or anything else. Just remember to limit your time spent. 

118. Try out New Fashion

You can try out certain clothes based on your preferences or style. It doesn’t have to be a big change or upgrade. For example, just adding a new hat can make one feel refreshed!

119. Express your views in reviews

You can also write your views about a particular movie, TV series, book, album, etc., on any website, app, or other place. Make them as short or detailed as you please. 

120. Read your horoscope

This may be specific to people who believe in this, but many do. So, you can check out your horoscope in many magazines, publications, sites, and many more places for a few free minutes.

121. Clear that junk drawer

We all have that drawer in our homes where we keep all the knick-knacks like chargers, stamps, used pens, etc., that need to be placed in their proper spots. Do this when you want to de-stress and not have the time to clean a whole closet!

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