Understanding if Your Skincare Is Working Perfectly for You?


Do you understand if your skincare routine is working correctly for your skin or not? I am asking this question because many brands claim their products to be the best, but even after we try out some of the most excellent products, it becomes hard to decide which product is suitable and worth buying.

There are a lot of different factors that determine the efficiency of skincare brands and their products. The catch in this is whether you’ve accurately assessed the needs of your skin and selected appropriate products or not.

I know we’re conditioned to expect quick and instant results displayed by clever beauty Ads. In reality, most skin care products take time to produce results. This article outlines some general rules and tips for knowing how your skincare routine and effects work on your skin.


Some General Rules

Here are some things you must know before selecting a skincare product. This will help you not to fall for the bad one.

  • Active ingredients that do more work on the cellular level need more time to produce the results.
  • Medical skin treatments like chemical peeling, injections, ultrasound treatments, or laser will usually have fast results than regular over-the-counter products.
  • Keep in mind that in many cases, if a product promises an instant glow, it will most likely be because of the temporary and superficial effect. Exfoliating or moisturizing ingredients usually cause this.
  • Even if the products take a bit longer to work, it is worth taking a sample test beforehand to see how your skin reacts and avoid allergic reactions.
  • There are ways to increase the efficiency of skin care products; for example, exfoliating helps absorb most ingredients. The proper skincare routine also matters as it offers a lighter formulation, which can be applied first, followed by heavier products. If I speak of experience, a facial massage will also help product absorption, and you can do this with your hands or a jade roller.
  • Some products may give less than pleasant results at first, like you may experience some tingling with peeling or exfoliators and dryness when you first start to use retinol. However, it is probably the best option to ditch the product if there are immediate bad reactions like bumps, lasting redness, rashes, or breakouts.
  • You must not expect lasting and steady results if you don’t commit to using a product for longer.
  • You must not expect miracles, especially from one product. Don’t believe the brand’s exaggerated product claims; keep in mind how beauty and skincare brands
  • You often realize how much a product works only when you stop using it.

Skin care woman

How to know if your skincare product is working perfectly?

Here is how you can know whether the skin care product you are using is working for you or not. I have made a list of skincare products, how the product works, and the results expectations.

  • Cleanser

Signs that product works: Dirt and makeup are thoroughly removed with no leftover residue. The skin should feel soft, plump, and moisturized. Forget ‘squeaky clean,’ but if your skin feels dry or tight, it means you probably killed your skin’s protective barrier. You can ditch the cleanser in that case and find a gentler one.

Result expectance: You can expect the results for the cleanser almost immediately. The long-term benefit of good cleansing is that your skin is clear, and you don’t develop spots. You shouldn’t expect anything more from a cleanser.

  • Mist/Toner

Signs that the product works: I do not expect much from mists and toners apart from some slight moisturizing benefits. For me, these toners and mists are the ones that make my skin feel good as they dampen the skin and help in the absorption of moisturizers and serums.

Result expectance: It works almost immediately.

  • Moisturizer

Signs that the product works: Your skin feels very plump and soft. Fine lines may disappear, and you’ll have a healthy glow.

Result expectance: There are long and short-term effects that you can expect from good moisturizers. Your skin should feel softer to the touch. If you use them overnight, you should wake up with a glow and healthy skin. The long-term result is simply that your skin is happy and remains well-hydrated.

  • Facial Oil

Signs that the product works: It is similar to moisturizing which makes the skin plump, well-hydrated, and often brighter.

Result expectance: After your product sinks in, it generally takes a night or a couple of hours if you use the oil in your evening routine. Many facial oils also contain active ingredients and antioxidants, taking a couple of weeks to maximize power.

  • Exfoliants / Acid Products

Signs that the product works: It has a very tangible effect as you apply the product and maybe some redness. An excellent acid product will make your skin smooth and makes textural irregularities, and small bumps will disappear, leaving your skin even, glowy, and not dull.

Result expectance: It takes 3-4 weeks to start using acids. It may take about three to four months for long-lasting effects. You can also test the results reverse, so when you stop exfoliating, your skin texture worsens.

  • Vitamin C Products

Signs that the product works: It shows the visible sign, and you should see firmer and brighter skin. Vitamin C is an anti-aging ingredient and a potent antioxidant, so it works in the background for long-term benefits.

Result expectance: It takes 4-6 weeks with consistent use.

  • Retinol Products

Signs that the product works: The first sign is not very pleasant and might make your skin dry, flaky, and start to peel, especially in more robust retinol products. It should begin after one or two weeks and lasts for another one or two. Retinol is very similar to Vitamin C because it shows you some visible effects.

Result expectance: It usually takes two to three months, but it can take up to six months. The stronger the retinol, the sooner the positive result will appear.

  • Serums

Signs that the product works: It depends on whether the serum is anti-aging, brightening, blemish/spot/acne treating, and so on.

Result expectance: It takes about six to eight weeks. Serums usually contain active ingredients that often take more time to work, so it is worth sticking to one for a couple of months.

  • Masks

Signs that the product works: Masks usually give smooth, plump skin. One exception can be clay masks, as it takes some time for them to clear your skin.

Result expectance: It works almost immediately, overnight, or in a couple of days. The results do not last longer than you may expect. Masks usually contain serums like Vitamin C and retinol, essential in the skincare routine.

  • Acne Treatments

Signs that the product works: It provides clear skin, acne improves, and redness and inflammation go down.

Result expectance: It all depends on the product as some may take two to three months of continuous use. Medical products often take less time than doctors prescribe. If you only have one or two cystic acne bumps, then prescription products may make them disappear in two to three weeks.

If your skincare products are not working, there would be many reasons, but I feel the main reason could be the low-quality products in the market. These skincare tips may help you to select the best skincare products you can find.

I hope all of this information was useful to you. Thank you for your read!


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